Tamara Last


Tamara Last -

I am most at peace outdoors, clambering about in trees or rummaging in the soil. For me, foraging developed as an inevitable consequence of spending so much time with plants. The more untamed the plant, the more it called my attention.

I have 8 years of informal, curiosity-driven, community-sourced, experimental learning and experience in the Netherlands, South Africa and France. I ran a compost business, began a "street food" garden, and currently volunteer at a community permaculture garden and lead an 'echte buiten Buitenschoolse Opvang (BSO)' club for primary school children, called De Heksjes. 
Over the years, I've done countless workshops, but when I met Lynn Shore in 2022, I was immediately drawn to become her apprentice and properly join the herbology community in Amsterdam. 


My emerging herbology practice integrates my work as a birth doula, a gardener, a cook, a craft-maker, a mother, a volunteer, an event organiser and an interdisciplinary social scientist. I am especially interested in recalling adults to the wild and instilling in young children a deep and gentle familiarity with the natural world. 

Contact information

  • Tamara Last