Anymeta Training part 2

How to organize content on Anymeta-based websites?

16 Nis 2010
16 Nis 2010

During the first Anymeta training in March we’ve discussed creating, linking and adjusting content. Part two is all about organizing this content to make it relevant, informative and easy to navigate for the user.

As you can imagine, this training is especially useful for editors, but others interested in the architecture of Anymeta-websites are welcome to join them!

You’re about to learn...

  • the pro’s & con’s of different ways of presenting content on an Anymeta website.
  • how to develop a good strategy for your content and the importance of text in the context of navigation.
  • how to create sets, listpubs, blogs, and articles of a different type.
  • how to create a clear navigation-menu.

And of course we'll provide you with lots of other tips & trics.

The Anymeta training part 2. will take place the 16th of april from 15.00-17.00 hrs.

Please, let us know that you’re coming by clicking on the RSVP-button. We will send you a reminder the day before.

A basic understanding of Anymeta is needed before attending part 2 of the Anymeta training. Write us an e-mail if you're concerned with your level of Anymeta. You can contact Eveline or Emina.