
Distilling a Citrus Ritual

with Frank Bloem

23 Haz 2024

During this workshop, you will be introduced to scent extraction and the distillation process. Distillation is the process of extracting essential oils from plant based materials. We'll explore the process of transforming everyday citrus peels into fragrant essential oils.



Distilling a Citrus Ritual - With Frank Bloem Romy Kerkman


What you will do

In this workshop, you will be introduced to the process of citrus distillation. We'll explore the process of transforming everyday citrus peels into fragrant essential oils. Participants are encouraged to bring their own materials according to their inspiration. First, we'll pamper ourselves with a refreshing steamed citrus face bath. After learning about different distilling techniques, you'll get hands-on experience combining raw citrus materials and eventually extracting their essence. By the end, you'll take home a tiny bottle of your very own 10% citrus essential oil solution in alcohol. 

Frank Bloem

Frank Bloem is an artist who uses scent as his primary medium. He studied Fine Arts at the Rietveld Academy. In the summer of 2016, Frank changed his focus from visual art to olfactory-based works and started The Snifferoo. This perfume laboratory is a place for education and experiments around scent. He made several personalised perfumes, hosts regular workshops, and has recreated the elephant smell of Artis, the Amsterdam Zoo.


Full price €70 | *Discount price €49

*We give a discount to students, stadspas and artists. If this applies to you we might ask to see your kvk nr/portfolio or student card for this option.


23 of June, 11:00-14:00
Attendance limited to 6 people. We maintain a minimum of 4 participants.
Please note that, unless everyone speaks Dutch, this workshop will be held in English.
For questions, please send an email to

Read our ticket terms and conditions here.