Michel Langendijk

Mediamatic Social RFID: Behind the Scene

Network event for Mediamatic invitees

24 Eyl 2009

Mediamatic guests are invited to join us for a small tour along the brand new interactive installations that were developed during the Social RFID Hacker Camp in the 5 days preceding PICNIC. Meet the makers, experience the 10+ interactive installations in the PICNIC Club and have a drink with us.

RSVP with the 'count me in' button.

Sorry ... this special tour is for guest of Mediamatic only. PICNIC participants are invited to join us on our Social RFID Tours on:
- Wednesday 18:30
- Thursday 15:45
- Friday 12:30!

Starting point is the Mediamatic Hacker Camp Site, just outside the PICNIC Club (Gashouder on the Westergasterrein in Amsterdam).