Opera Playground

Experimental performances, cocktails and an Italian picnic

12 Mayıs 2013

A group of international composers, musicians, singers and artists have put together a mischievous afternoon program exploring new forms of opera. Expect experimental performances, futuristic aria’s, an Italian picnic and cocktails inspired by great opera divas.

Opera Playground is a project by United States of Opera, supported by Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, European Opera Days and Mediamatic. These are three of the vocalists performing on May 12 at Mediamatic Fabriek. By: Erik Diekstra

United States of Opera is the first company that organized an opera performance in the temporary city -- Mediamatic Fabriek’s Freezing Favela. This urban settlement challenged contemporary opera conventions. Do we still need opera? What will be the form and function of opera in tomorrow’s society? For over ten days, a group of selected international composers, musicians, singers and artists researched these and other questions. On May 12, the opera architects invited the audience to join them for their exposition of tomorrow’s opera. The performances took place between 15:00 and 18:00. Favelous chefs Andrea Sossi and Robert Bochove prepared an opera-inspired Italian picnic.

Location: Mediamatic Fabriek, VOC kade 10, Oostenburg Amsterdam. Tickets were €10,- (including a 4-week Club Mediamatic membership), picnic baskets costed €10,- each.