How do we get to tomorrow? With Dom Sagolla (Twitter) english spoken

28 Şub 2012

A moderated session focused on the challenges and technologies of tomorrow. With Twitter co-creator Dom Sagolla, Zef Hemel, Bas van Abel, Patrick de Zeeuw and Francisco van Jole.

A moderated session focused on the challenges and technologies of tomorrow.

This event emphasizes on how governments, corporations and education systems need to collaborate and work towards a shared goal. With a presentation by Twitter co-creator Dom Sagolla about his firm and vision on what’s next.

Accompanied by panel members: Zef Hemel (Deputy Director DRO, City of Amsterdam), Bas van Abel (creative director Waag Society), Patrick de Zeeuw (co founder Startupbootcamp Amsterdam). Moderator: Francisco van Jole.

Furthermore a Q&A between panel members and the audience.

The program will focus on:
1. Innovation challenging social and economic orders.
2. Changing the world with technology.
3. Amsterdam as a breeding place where ideas canflourish.

Free admission; registration by clicking the red 'ik meld me aan' button at the top of this page. Voor registration tools in English, go to