Schimmel Sex Water Art Ei Zaaien Lab

Opening - Kamiel Rongen, Zeger Reyers, Teun Castelein, Jasmin Moeller, Masha Ru

11 Eyl 2015

When does the clean cross into the dirty? And what happens when you allow (micro)-organisms and waste product to (re)form an installation? On Friday, September 11th, we invite you to the unveiling of Pis, Hard Water en Gelukszoekers. Including new works by Zeger Reyers, and Kamiel Rongen, as well as Jasmin Moeller and Masha Ru's Raising Doubts installation. Also being launched: Rederij Lampedusa, a new enthralling art project by Teun Castelein.

Friday September 11th, 19:00 - 22:00
This event is a part of the Dijkspark - Opening Weekend. Three days of Zuur, Vis, Design, Eat, Bacteria, Pis, Bloem.


18-09-2015 Hard Water by Zeger Reyers - In an ultimate combination of man and nature (or perhaps man versus nature), Zeger Reyers has created an enormous living art installation that climbs down from the exterior second floor level of the Mediamatic Biotoop building in Dijkspark into the Mediamatic Restaurant. Hard Water was constructed using over 1000 ceramic plates, soil and different species of grass, including Gaura and Crocosmia. These grasses are long and thin and produce bright-colored flowers at the tips in the Summer months. Zeger Reyers, Brigitte Hillenaar

With: Zeger Reyers

The works of Kamiel Rongen, Zeger Reyers, Jasmin Moeller and Masha Ru are in a constant state of flux. Each makes use of (human) nature. In this way, they show what happens in the meantime. That which grows, pisses and flows away.

Opening: September 11th, 19:00 - 22:00
Hereafter, during Mediamatic opening hours: mo - fr 10:00 - 18:00.
Read more below and sign up for the Facebook event

Kamiel Rongen

Musician and artist Kamiel Rongen’s interactive video installation is triggered by piss. By peeing into the urinals along the facade, dripping and dreamy images are activated. Everything you see is real! No digital manipulation is used. Kamiel uses only liquids such as piss, water and oil to create his images. The accompanying soundscapes have also been designed by Kamiel. All urine from the installation is collected in a tank and saved for future projects.

To learn more about Piss, come to Urine Matters and Materials on September 24th.


People using Kamiel's installation - Musician and artist Kamiel Rongen’s interactive video installation is triggered by piss. By peeing into the urinals along the facade, dripping and dreamy images are activated. Everything you see is real! No digital manipulation is used. Kamiel uses only liquids such as piss, water and oil to create his images. The accompanying soundscapes have also been designed by Kamiel. All urine from the installation is collected in a tank and saved for future projects. Interactive pis installation Kamiel Rongen

Zeger Reyers

Zeger Reyers has a strong fascination with the uncontrollable nature of environmental and biological processes, such as growth, bloom, sprouting and death. In his newest installation Hard Water, he explores the confrontation between nature and object, but also between inside and outside space. The ‘waterfall’ of stacked ceramic dishes and plates flows through Mediamatic’s outer wall, through the greenhouse roof, out over the inside wall of the restaurant. Water seeps gently through the installation, bringing along microscopic organisms and plants which will, after a time, grow over the installation.

If you’d like to exchange ideas with Zeger yourself, find more info here.


Hard Water close-up - 1000 plates and grasses by Zeger Reyers Zeger Reyers

With: Zeger Reyers

Twijfel Oogsten - Jasmin Moeller en Masha Ru

For the past 3 months, through the planting of flower seeds, you could discover which kind of artist you would have been; Romantic, Beaux-Art or Modernist. The installation, with its 30 questions about life and art, is now in full bloom. You can still participate. This weekend, in honour of the Dijkspark opening, the answer card is available at a reduced price. Read more about Raising Doubts here.


Foreign Students are participating in the Casting Doubts project - Are you fundamentally lonely? Do you break taboos? Join us and start Casting Doubts (Twijfel Zaaien) in Amsterdam's newest hotspot: Dijkspark. Thirty questions about life and art lead you along the green walkway. You answer these questions by sowing flowerseeds. This way your answers will grow out to become part of a lush infographic. And you will get to know what type of artist you would have been. Brigitte Hillenaar

Festisvall Fünf

Alongside this opening, the opening of Festisvall Fünf will also take place. Including 15 graphic design posters by 15 different artists from Iceland, Germany and The Netherlands. Featuring music by Hermigervill. The posters are inspired by the theme ‘eating’. More info here.


Guy enjoying graphic design Festisvall Fünf - 15 designs by 15 different artist Germany, Iceland and Holland Studio Festisvall

Dijkspark - Opening Weekend

This event is part of the Dijkspark - Opening Weekend. Three days of Zuur, Vis, Design, Eat, Bacteria, Piss, Bloem. Including new installations by Zeger Reyers and Kamiel Rongen, De Zuur Markt/Salon, The Verstoten-Radijzen-Fest and music by Samaris and Good Moon Deer.

Go here for the full programme:
Friday September 11th, Saturday September 12th and Sunday September 13th.

Free entry*
Mediamatic Biotoop, Dijkspark 6, Amsterdam.
See here for directions.


Sponsors: Amsterdam, Stimuleringsfonds, Mondriaan Fonds - Three of the sponsors of Mediamatic.


11-09-2015 Rederij Lampedusa - arriving at Mediamatic - In the harbour next to the terrace of Mediamatic ETEN, the two ships from Shipping Company Lampedusa are docked. The respective boats are former refugees ships used by people to cross the Mediterranean Sea. Although the Municipality of Amsterdam allows no more than fifteen people on the largest ship according to its safely regulations, 282 refugees fled on it from North Africa to Lampedusa. Not only has the boat a refugee history, the crew itself largely made up of refugees, and along with… Teun Castelein


Girls handing out champagne to the public at the art opening - Girls handing out champagne at the art opening with new works by Zeger Reyers, and Kamiel Rongen and Teun Castelein.


Public laughing at the opening - With new works by Zeger Reyers, Kamiel Rongen and Teun Castelein.


Girl looking at Hard Water at the opening - Girl enjoying the Art opening with new works by Zeger Reyers, and Kamiel Rongen and Teun Castelein.


Public looking at Hard Water at the opening - People enjoying the new works by Zeger Reyers, Kamiel Rongen and Teun Castelein during the opening of Dijkspark.


Women looking at hard water, a work by Zeger Reyers - Women enjoying the art openingen with new works by Zeger Reyers, and Kamiel Rongen and Teun Castelein.


Hermigervill playing his music - Festisvall Fünf celebrates it's fifth edition with a music and art extravaganza Festisvall Fünf celebrates it's fifth edition with a music and art extravaganza. An evening event at Mediamatic, with Zeger Reyers' Hard Water on proud display in the background. Festisvall Fünf celebrates it's fifth edition with a music and art extravaganza. An evening event at Mediamatic, with Zeger Reyers' Hard Water on proud display in the background. Studio Festisvall, Zeger Reyers


People looking at the boat of Rederij Lampedusa - Exhibition opening new works by Zeger Reyers, and Kamiel Rongen and Teun Castelein.