I've been organizing events for foreigners and guiding them through the independent cultural scene for more than a decade now...

dont look here - From the Skopje Museum of Contemporary Art
Skopje, Macedonia
Capital of Macedonia, Skopje is in the lift.
the art is inside
Let's not retell stories of the past and of the history; it makes the past appear more glorious day by day, while the present seems more and more tragic in comparison. Hence, Blesok is aiming at the...
The Museum of Contemporary Art is the most competent and influential institution in the Republic of Macedonia in discovering, treasuring and preserving the great value of the art and culture of our...
The Central Post Office
Skopje harbors some great feats of Brutalism, one of them is the Post Office in the center designed by Macadonian architect Janko Konstantinov who came back to Skopje after the 1963 earthquake to...
Centre for New initiatives in Arts and Culture
LOKOMOTIVA-Centre for New initiatives in Arts and Culture is an NGO created in 2003 in Skopje by young individuals working as artists and managers in the field of arts and culture, who wanted to...
AKTO festival for contemporary arts
Fifth edition "Weddings"; Bitola, 11-16 August 2010
Akto is a regional festival, for contemporary art which includes visual arts, performing arts, music and theory of culture (presentations, lectures and workshops), set up in Bitola, Republic of...
Public Room
The non- profit foundation Public ROOM it is active in the whole region and beyond. Our activities and program empower the non-profit sector from the region, influence the national cultural policies...
Goce Smilevski
Goce Smilevski was born in Skopje in 1975. He was educated at the University Ss. Cyril’s and Methodius in Skopje (comparative literature), at the Carl University in Prague (Czech literature), and on...
Jovica Ivanovski
Born 1961, Skopje. Author of poetry collections Why Such Liver For Me (1995), The City Is Full of You (1997), A Strange Kind of a Sunny Day (1999),Three Forward Three Backwards (2004), Double Album...
Faculty of Fine Arts
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
The Faculty of Fine Arts of the University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje is the oldest educational institution in fine arts in the Republic of Macedonia, formed in 1980. Studies in fine arts...
Shadows and Clouds
shadow puppets theater
"Shadows and clouds" is a small shadow puppets theater group from Skopje, Macedonia. They exist almost 3 years now, and have many different shows. From traditional Macedonian stories like "Siljan the...
Cultural Center CK
CULTURAL CENTER CK The Cultural Center “CK” is located in the old house (build 1903 and protected as a cultural heritage) in the center of Skopje. With its 85 m2 of space, “CK” is divided in...
Biennial of young artists
1Oca 201131Ara 20119th Biennial of young artists
Marcel f2m
This photo was taken with the ikCam during Kiki on Steroids! at Mediamatic. Kiki on Steroids! was an exhibition about transgenderism and selfrepresentation on the internet (2008-9).
Nomad Dance Academy
NOMAD Educational Programme 2010
13Mar 201026Haz 2010NOMAD Educational program starts in Skopje on March 13!!! NOMAD Educational program is dedicated to emerging artists in contemporary dance who live, learn, work and move together during 4 months.
Line Initiative and Movement
Line Initiative and movement was founded in 2006 as an independent platform for support of artists who work in the field of new media art and technology. It targets to find and present young artists...
Visual Cultural Research Centre
SEAFair '10 - The Apparatus of Life and Death
1Eki 201031Eki 2010SEAFair '10 will convey the story of artists attempting to navigate through the maize of the newly constructed global bio-political apparatus, in a changing social matrix, in which the rules are just...
Kanal 103
Independent radio channel
Kanal 103 is a unique, noncommercial, alternative, free radio station broadcasting on Macedonian air.
Skopje, Macedonia
4 Tuned Cities
1Eki 201031Ara 2010“4 Tuned Cities” is Skopje’s most off the beaten track festival, fully dedicated to independent film and visual arts. The manifestation is part of a project consisting of 4 different festivals...
Cultural Centre Tocka functioning as a cafe, art bookstore and office space for creatives. We have cakes and huge choice of different teas and you can read daily and weekly newspapers! In the...