Law, life, and technology in the world of Psycho
The story of the popular anime Psycho-pass revolves around an AI-based legal and bureaucratic system named Sybil. Even though it is believed to be a perfect system free of human error, throughout the...
presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Weekend van de Wetenschap
7Eki 20238Eki 2023This year we are also participating in Weekend van de Wetenschap (Weekend of Science)! Discover how much fun innovation and technology is, with us and our neighbors. We have a fun program for young...
presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Grieving, Healing, Laughing
23Şub 2023As our lives are eminently filled with times of grief, pain and loss, three artists suggest ways to navigate our pain. How do we heal after a loss? Can other people help? Is it fair to still have fun?
Proposal by: Natascha Nanji
Welcome to Studio Swan
Project proposal: An interpersonal, speculative fiction proposition
Welcome to Studio Swan is a speculative proposition that asks what conditions would be appropriate for us to temporarily become with plant or animal? And why would this be something desirable or...
Sept '22 - Feb '23 Ariana Amirhosseini
Ariana Amirhosseini
Exhibition assistant
Architect, researcher, spatial and experience designer
presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Weekend of Science
1Eki 20222Eki 2022Get green fingers in our garden and discover the natural treasures hidden around Mediamatic. From exploring intriguing plants in Aquaponics, to exploring what your nose can tell you in our aroma lab
The Idea Becomes the Machine that Makes the Book
A/artist roundtable with Annelies Wina Doom
During our latest A/Artist discussion round, artist Annelies Wina Doom took us on a journey through her art work "Please do not touch, even clean hands can cause damage", from its conception to its...
Sieta van Horck
Beftival Program
An overview of all exhibitions, performances, workshops and events that are part of Beftival.
Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark Ine Poppe, Olga Middendorp
Program overview
A festival featuring over 30 artists and scientists. Come discuss, feel and celebrate fe-male sexuality, gender and preference. Beftival is part of Museumnacht 2021.
David OReilly
David OReilly is an Irish artist, film maker and game developer. He began his animation career at the age of 14, where he worked at Cartoon Salon. OReilly's work is often characterised by the use...
Jin Lee
Object Designer
Jin Lee (1990, KR) is an object designer currently living and working in the Netherlands who has recently graduated from the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam. Jin Lee’s work sits between serious...
presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Weekend of Science
2Eki 20213Eki 2021Get green fingers in our garden and discover the natural treasures hidden around Mediamatic. From exploring intriguing plants in Aquaponics to a live reading about the six-winged chicken: come by!
Olga Middendorp
BEFtival curator / Artist
My name is Olga. I design worlds - on paper, in performances and/or projects - which explore and question our feelings and imagination. With my background in the sociology of childhood and children’s...
Chair of Sal(i)vation
Beyond the secret act.
Have you ever accidentally felt an old piece of gum underneath a chair while moving it? Or touched one with your knees underneath a table/desk?
Gumversation pieces
Something to sink my teeth in.
My remembrance after I bought Chewing Gum Rolls. This chewing gum type immediately sparked my creative juices and linked the shape with those old letter tapes. This kickstarted the idea of providing...
presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
VR Premiere: Walking through the Walls
11Eki 2019On Friday, 11 October at 15.00, Mediamatic will host the world premiere of the video Walking through the Walls (40’ VR 360° ambisonic). The video is part of the project Hic sunt dracones by the...
Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark Marie-Claire Springham
"Go on, Rub me"
Why did Arthur Guilleminot make a giant butt plug from urine-based soap?
Recently featured at the Neo Futurist Dinner , this artist specialises in “queered approaches” to everyday household objects and daily rituals. His work is often overtly sexual, using objects...
Patrick Hameon
Exhibition Assistant and Sound designer
I am a sound designer, creative and electrician. I have been working at an agency doing everything from concept design to strategy to Gamification. I have a passion for sound and the effects it can...
Perfume Niklaus Mettler 20 Ağs 2018
Filtered Beans
The Scent of Fancy Condos
The qualities of cafés can tell us about the make-up of a community, a neighborhood’s ethnic composition and about the urban development of a city. Niklaus Mettler extracted the flavors of three...
Play the City Foundation
Serious Gaming for Smart and Social Cities
With a multidisciplinary team of international social scientists, engineers, and designers, Play the City focuses on strategic urban development through city gaming. They develop physical games to be...
The IAO team curates weekly explorations into the outer reaches of scent culture. From social games to technology workshops, anything goes in the playhouse. Expect eclecticism, experimentation and...
Summer 2018
Overview of our all our Art Olfaction Amsterdam events
presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Open Dag Expeditie Oosterdok
21Nis 2018Oosterdok is een plek rond het water in het hart van Amsterdam waar techniek en vernieuwing al eeuwenlang samengaan met een drang naar avontuur. Zo ook op zaterdag 21 April. Tussen 12.00 en 18.00...