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Koga-Miyata Kimera 2008

Koga-Miyata Kimera, the infamous trackbike which costed around $1.000.000 to develop. Loan made possible by Koga and Olaf Wit.

Cyclist who ride Koga-Miyata are Theo Bos, Leontien Zijlaard - van Moorsel and Marianne Vos.

Especially for Theo Bos they wanted to build a track frame at Koga-Miyata. Because at that time there was no frame good enough for him. To prevent his enormous energy go to waste the frame had to have absolute stiffness at the less possible weight and the lowest possible air resistance. With this keypoints the Kimera project started. A project to make the fastest bike for the worlds fastest man.

In 2005 the process started for building the frame, this would take about two years. The developing happened under supervision of Koga by mainly Dutch businesses. The partnering businesses were, TNO (research), NLR (wind tunnels Dutch spacelab), Shimano Belelux (components) and Bioracer (clothing).

The Kimera was going to be designed following the latest techniques of aerodynamica, biomechanica and the use of carbon fibres. Due to the use of digital simulation techniques like Fine Element Models (FEM) they could improve the frame before it was even build. The special Ulthymo® carbon fibers, twice as strong as normal fibers, were laid by hand. During the process Theo Bos was an adviser and test driver.
The result of the project was worth all the effort. Technically speaking it is one big success. The frame is 130% more stiff than Theo Bos his older frame, without really gaining weight and with a substantial improvement in the air-resistancecoefficient of the frame without driver with 10%.
You could say the mission is accomplished.

Eventually this whole project ended up as being the equipment of the complete Dutch track cycling team.

The first definite version of the Koga-Miyata Kimera was in november 2006. A definite and much lighter version came in spring 2008. Altogether there are 40 Kimera bikes.

At the Wold Championship in Poland the Dutch track racers won five medals, riding the Koga Kimera.

Youtube film where Marianne Vos wins gold at the Olympic Games in Beijing