Mediamatic Post CS
Paul West modeshow
26Ağs 2007Jongeren showden hun Paul West collectie op zondagmidag om 3 uur buiten op de catwalk bij Mediamatic. Dat was podium 4 van de Uitmarkt.
Mirjam van Tilburg
'To be an artist is my greatest teacher'
Bahia Shehab
Lebanese designer and Islamic art historian residing in Cairo
Graduated from the American University of Beirut with a degree in Graphic Design in 1999, Bahia worked as a Creative Director with several multinational advertising agencies in Beirut, Dubai and...
festival: Radialsystem V.
Wir nennen es Arbeit
23Ağs 200725Ağs 2007Briefly, the festival is a fair for people who wouldn’t attend fairs. A platform of self-organisation, interactive crossover formats and networks for people who would like to work the way they’d like...
Witho Worms
photographer, anthropologist, artist, scientist.
Jan van Eyck Academie
The Triumph of Religion
19Eyl 200720Eyl 2007At a press conference in Rome, 1974, when asked for his opinion about the relation between psychoanalysis and religion, Lacan promptly replied: “In the end, it is either the one, or the other.” He...
Wendela Scheltema
limboland, IBFF
1966. Opleiding Filmacademie, ervaring in bijna alle disciplines, veelbereisd, brede belangstelling, vooral in nieuwe ontwikkelingen, oprichter International Bunker Film Festival (Italie) en...
De Unie
Modern Moralisme
31Mayıs 20076Haz 2007De Rotterdamse Raad voor Kunst en Cultuur en NRC Handelsblad organiseren in mei en juni het drieluik Modern Moralisme dat gebaseerd is op de idealen van de Verlichting, vrijheid, gelijkheid en...
Frank Kresin
Waag Society
@world from 1972, @internet from 1992, film making & artificial intelligence, management & philosophy, optimistic but critical, looking forward - not back.
Saar Frieling
Monica Ragazzini
Hallo! ciao! Dag!
Vera Broos
www.beambuzz.nl www.beambus.nl www.zonaskiosk.nl www.artdoctors.nl www.kunstindezorg.nl www.nieuwenmeer.nl www.youtube.com/user/beambuzz
Daniel Bouw
Vanaf 17 november 2023 ben ik pensioengerechtigd en niet meer actief aan het werk in cultuur. Ik was hoofd marketing en communicatie bij Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen in Rotterdam. Daar voor werkte...
Taco de Neef
exhibition: Casco
Undecided Utopias
14Nis 200713Mayıs 2007Pictures of an privately initiated architectual competition.
De Unie
Gelukkig Rotterdam: Grijs Geluk
26Nis 2007De vergrijzing is begonnen. Uit onderzoek blijkt dat oude mensen gelukkiger zijn dan jonge mensen....
Unrestrained Flag Fest
The beginning of Vergessene Fahnen
"In the first place, the countless banners, flags, pennants, streamers, scarves and hats, the many creations of 'partyotism' have given expression to what can be mainly observed in young people
exhibition: Galerie Fons Welters
3Mar 20077Nis 2007An empty highway in a desolate landscape, trees with snapped branches. Puddles of water along the highway, and in the distance, where the highway veers away and vanishes, a mountain.
Huis Marseille
10Mar 200727Mar 2007Een aan het thema Aids geweide expostitie in Huis Mareille
SM's - Stedelijk Museum 's-Hertogenbosch
Off Off Limit
10Mar 200727Mayıs 2007Stedelijk Museum organiseert de eerste museale overzichtstentoonstelling van Frederico d'Orazio.
exhibition: Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst
Faith in Exposure
24Şub 200717Mar 2007Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst exposing the language and power of 'news & media'.
Mediamatic Magazine Vol.1#1 Raul Marroquin 1 Oca 1986
Visual Arts and Customized Programming
Myths and Realities of the Situation
As the number of artists interested in working with electronic media increases continuously in The Netherlands as in all European countries, many questions arise about the phenomen itself and also...
Mozes en Aaronkerk
Arm Nederland
23Şub 2007Steeds meer Nederlandse huishoudens leven in armoede. De redenen daarvoor verschillen per persoon, leeftijd en woonsituatie.