Dutch Design Week shirts
changing fabrics with micro organisms
In collaboration with Alejandro Tauber (vice) we did some experiments with the goal of coloring/changing fabrics with bacteria or fungi.
Nieuwe Vaart 5-9, 1019 MA Amsterdam robert pennekamp
Pre SAIL sale
25Tem 201526Tem 2015op zaterdag 25-07-2015 en zondag 26-07-2015; Opening Pre SAIL sale; met werk van Irene Janze en Robert Pennekamp opening met recent werk, schilderijen en beelden, sale van ouder werk ... van 16 - 18...
exhibition: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Casting Doubt
15Mayıs 201531Ara 2024Are you fundamentally lonely? Do you break taboos? Join us and start Casting Doubts (Twijfel Zaaien) in Amsterdam's newest hotspot: Dijkspark. Thirty questions about life and art lead you along the...
Hayley Smith
Graphic Designer
Explorer by nature - driven by curiosity. Eager to grow, discover and collaborate creatively in Amsterdam.
Pissing in the Park
Masterclass Place Branding
Christian Pagh is one of the top designers in Europe when it comes to public convenience for both men and women. In two weeks Christian is visiting Amsterdam to give an exclusive Masterclass on Place...
Interactive Soundwalk Summerschool
17Ağs 201528Ağs 2015The theme of this summerschool in the last two weeks of august is the art of creating interactive soundwalks
Interactive Soundwalk Summerschool
17Ağs 201528Ağs 2015The theme of this summerschool in the last two weeks of august is the art of creating interactive soundwalks
Leave your mark
Revealing secret messages
A challenge to make peeing in the streets more fun and turning pee into stories. Chaim Becker made a project out of this for his graduation project at the Design Academy of Eindhoven.
Emma T. Gaskell
Born and raised in central New York. I have a background of many interests including artistic design, equestrian sport, health and nutrition. After I received my Bachelor's degree in Health and...
Extra Kak #3
The colorful bad boy of Dutch fashion takes on human waste
In Bas Kosters' fanzine/magazine/anti-magazine Extra Kak you find content like that of no other publication. Between women pissing on Lionel Richie (hello, is it pee you're looking for?) and graphic...
Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Opening Casting Doubt
5Mayıs 2015Do you feel free? Do you break taboos? Join us on May 5th (Liberation Day), for the opening of Casting Doubts and help sow Amsterdam’s newest hot spot: Dijkspark. Thirty questions about life and art...
Kunstfort Vijfhuizen
Socratische Gesprekken op het Kunstfort
10Mayıs 201517Mayıs 2015Socratische Gesprekken in de buitenlucht onder een systeemplafond
Deelnemer Shaffy's tuin
Kunstfort Vijfhuizen, KunstFort Asperen, Fort Nieuwersluis
Gimme Shelter
30Mayıs 201520Eyl 2015De militaire ficties van strijd en verdediging in kunst en games.
Lotte Pet
Communicating Mediamatic.
Who are you in "the reality"?
Discover by seeding
We are still in the process of designing how the questions will look like. But, good news, we have already decided their content! There will be 30 of them and you can think of your answers while...
Kunstfort Vijfhuizen
22Mar 201517Mayıs 2015De maakbaarheid van het landschap verbonden met de verbeeldingskracht van de kunstenaar
I am a Master's student at Leiden University specialising in Museum Studies.
Anna Pedersen
Much unhappiness has come into the world because of bewilderment and things left unsaid. - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
This Happened Rotterdam #5
12Oca 2015Having ideas is easier than making them happen. Creators tell about projects that exist today, how their concepts and production process can help inform future work.
Working on some new projects about piss (yes, piss..).