Creative Enquiry

Presentation: re-inventing education

17 Mayıs 2011

Over at the Learning Lab students from the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and the Free University (VU) have been re-inventing education. Join us for the presentation of their research results. Design and experience the future of education with them.


Learning Lab students - Brainstorm session. Students participating in the Learning Lab honors program at work. Picture by the Learning Lab. Brainstorm session. Picture by the Learning Lab.


Future learning

Is it true that, as Ken Robinson bluntly stated, schools kill creativity? Because rapid technological, social, and environmental changes require us to be just that: creative. Over the past year, the Learning Lab has provided a platform for students to rethink the university, education, learning and teaching. The result is a prototype of a learning environment in the form of an academic minor program. The minor will combine academic enquiry with a creative capacity for innovation and transformation. Hence the working title Creative Enquiry.


The students will share their thoughts on a new approach to education in relation to challenging contemporary social issues. Kindred spirits are invited to think with them about the advancement and design of the program. The final presentation will be on May 31st.

More information

The program starts at 17.00, doors open at 16.30. Location: Mediamatic Bank, Vijzelstraat 68 Amsterdam. Free entrance. More information about the Learning Lab on their website.