performance: Tallinn, Salzburg, Maastricht
5Mayıs 200515Mayıs 2005The cities of Salzburg, Maastricht and Tallinn organize a series of events around the commercialization of historical city centers and the demands for preservation.
exhibition: V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media
Splendid Immersion
26Mayıs 20051Haz 2005As part of the 2nd architecture Biennale Rotterdam, V2 presents several works on immersion in time and flow in space.
exhibition: Mediamatic Post CS
Flickr Peep Show
1Mayıs 200518Haz 2005The second Mediamatic exhibition on the ground floor of the Post CS building is about flickr.com, the photo sharing website developed by Ludicorp. Until the 18th of June.
On Videoletters.net
Connecting people in cyberspace
Videoletters is a series of 20+ documentaries made by Eric van den Broek and Katarina Rejger, in which they show how they connect people from former Yugoslavia by taping and delivering videoletters.
Mediamatic Post CS
Videoletters.net pilots party!!
29Mar 2005The opening of the videoletters website was celebrated here at Mediamatic!
exhibition: Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
Paul Noble
1Nis 200519Haz 2005Monumentale potloodtekeningen van een fictieve stad
Mediamatic Post CS
11Nis 200511Nis 2005A heartbreaking salon on the rebuilding of the broken relationships in former Yugoslavia.
Malkit Shoshan
Designer, architect and lecturer
Malkit Shoshan is the founding director of the architectural think-tank FAST: Foundation for Achieving Seamless Territory . In 2021, Shoshan won The Silver Lion at the Venice Architecture Biennale...
Mike Davis
Urban Scholar, Writer, Activist
Unlike most writers on Southern California, Mike Davis is a native son. He was born in Fontana in 1946 and grew up in Bostonia, a now lost hamlet east of San Diego. A former meatcutter and long...
Mediamatic Post CS
Office and exhibition space 2004 - 2008
Mediamatic moved into Post CS in 2004. We moved out in July 2008.
stedelijk museum
7Eki 2004Presentaties door: Mevis/VanDeursen Samira Ben Laloua Gerard Unger
Perscentrum Nieuwspoort
de vorm van de overheid
15Eki 200317Kas 2003organiseerd door Premsela, stichting voor Nederlandse vormgeving en de Kunstcommisie Nieuwspoort.
29Ağs 20038Eyl 200336 kunstwerken op billboard formaat staan op het Museumplein.
Park - China Town
11Şub 2003An installation that offers the visitors of the Berlinale a quiet and peaceful place for contemplation. In the middle of the Forum in the Sony Centre, you can almost smell the botanical gardens of...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#2/3 Mike Davis 1 Oca 1995
Beyond Blade Runner: Urban Control (3)
The Ecology of Fear
Parallel Universes
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#2/3 Mike Davis 1 Oca 1995
Beyond Blade Runner: Urban Control (2)
The Ecology of Fear
The Half-Moons of Repression
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#2/3 Mike Davis 1 Oca 1995
Beyond Blade Runner: Urban Control (1)
The Ecology of Fear
Every American city has its official insignia and slogan, some have municipal mascots, colors, songs, birds, trees, even rocks. But Los Angeles alone has adopted an official Nightmare. Mike Davis
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 9#4 10#1 CD-ROM Florian Thalhofer
[small world]
[small world], Mac/Win CD-Rom, Amsterdam, isbn 90 74728 308 © 1999 , together with Mediamatic Foundation (pub), Vol9#4 & Vol10#1 The Printed Issue, Amsterdam 1999, issn 09 207 86 4
27Nis 2002Jop Horst presenteert de door hem ontwikkelde Delta-taal. Dit is een taal die uitwaaiert tot een oneindig aantal klanken en tekens, zodat we niet langer kunnen communiceren.
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 9#1 Dirk Van Weelden 1 Oca 1998
De Landa
A Thousand Years of Non-Linear History
This long-awaited book by Manuel DeLanda bears an imposing title for its three hundred pages plus notes. Is it meant as a joke? No. Does it have to do with some childrens or MTV history of the...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#2/3 Florian Brody 1 Oca 1995
My Home is my Memory is my Home
Is my home where my heart is or where my computer is? Is home where I want to be or where I am?
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 9#1 Jasper Altena 1 Oca 1998
On a Secret Mission
Lieutenant Coulon
On January 21st, 1913, Lieutenant Coulon, secret agent with French military intelligence, reported to his commander in Hanoi. His assignment was to investigate the political and military situation in...
Mediamatic Magazine vol. 8#2/3 Adilkno 1 Oca 1995
Electronic Loneliness
Change the world; stay home. This is the adage of the social ergonomists who have distilled a polity out of the user-friendliness of consumer electronics. Having definitively finished pondering...
Mediamatic Magazine vol. 8#2/3 Errki Huhtamo 1 Oca 1995
Armchair Traveller on the Ford of Jordan
The Home, the Stereoscope and the Virtual Voyager
The general panorama of the world. It introduces to us scenes known only from the imperfect relations of travellers. By our fireside we have the advantage of examining them, without being exposed to...