Alice van Diepen
The Right to be Slow
[ www.harsmedia.com/SoundBlog/Archief/00642.php ] Last week, with the ookoi, we went to PICNIC, the annual Amsterdam new-media-mega fest, as embedded artists ... Ex-pressing our im-pressions of...
Connie Franssen
hoort, ziet en schrijft
Een van de makers van het Geheugen van Almere, schrijfster van de Canon van Almere. Zestien boeken - deels vertalingen - talloze artikelen, brochures. Fijne blog: conniefranssen.wordpress.com. Ook...
Simone Stoltz
Jacques van Veen
Directeur van de Nieuwe de la Mar Theaters.
Dmitry Shalnov
cinematography, design & visual communication, new media, music, natural sciences, psychology, anthropology and culturology -- this is my generalized medical report. also I'm embedded devices...
Jochem Naafs
Jochem Naafs is a researcher, dramaturge, writer and live artist. He studied Theatre Studies (MA) and New Media Studies (MA) at the Utrecht University. In his work he constantly merges theory and...
Hackers Camp Day 7
Today is the second day of Picnic and all the projects are fine-tuned and as bug free as possible. The atmosphere is a bit more festive and less official. Loud (terrible cheesy) music is heard in the...
Hackers Camp Day 6
The first day of Picnic is stressful, a bit chaotic and maybe a tat frustrating, but we are inside Gashouder building and things are starting to work out. The space is great. Floors are covered with...
Hackers Camp Day 5
Time is running out. There’s some stress in the air and the language is getting slightly heavier. All the projects should be build and running by tomorrow. Participants went home around 2 in the...
Hackers Camp Day 4
Day 2 ended @ 2 in the morning and Day 3@ 3 in the morning, the longest night so far. Will Day 4 beat the record? All projects are progressing and looks like our teams will meet their deadlines. Last...
Het Nationale Cultuurbal
9Eki 2008Wat? Het Nationale Cultuurbal is in het leven geroepen om contacten tussen kunst/culturele sector en het bedrijfsleven, publieke organisaties te stimuleren. Verder is een doel het bedrijfsleven
IKWIN! / Google battle
Challenge your web popularity !
Challenge someone with your web popularity, and let's see and show other people how high you're ranking. More information about the ikWin / Google Battle on www.mediamatic.nl/ikwin
Hackers Camp Day 3
Although Day 2 ended @2 in the morning, Day 3 started with a coffee as early as 9:30. All concepts are ready. Basic framework and code are in place. Most of the equipment and material is purchased...
Open-CI, a technical overview
Open-CI is a set of open standards built on existing technologies designed to enable collaboration between social networks and websites. The reference implementation anyMeta is built by Mediamatic
Open-CI: opening up social networks
Use a single account in a network of websites
Good news for those who cope with social network fatigue! No need to register again and again, pick a username, password, write a new profile, and reconnect to your friends for the 2nd, 3rd or 4th...
The Breedrs
Breedrs is an interactive installation running a social game created for a conference environment. It consists of an artificial life environment, a digital ecosystem, in which creatures survive in...
Mediamatic 2008
In this year we moved from the Post CS to Mediamatic Bank . In 2008 openings of Exhibitions , Workshops and Presentations .
Na 9/11 en de periode post-Fortuyn en van Gogh worden sommige activistische clips duizenden keren gedownload van Youtube. Clips van jonge Nederlands-Marokkaanse en Antilliaanse rapppers met een duidelijke boodschap. PLANETART Volkskrantgebouw
Activistische Videoclips
9Eyl 200818Eki 2008AMSTERDAM- Wat hebben activistische videoclips, een opgezette pony en open source laser graffiti met elkaar te maken? Ze zijn onderdeel van het programma in het nieuwe artlab van PLANETART in het...
Stichting DOEN
Stichting DOEN, het fonds van de Goede Doelen Loterijen, werkt aan een leefbare wereld waaraan iedereen kan meedoen door aanjager te zijn van duurzame, culturele en sociale voorlopers.
Miranda Engelshoven