
Music Hack Day @ Mediamatic

A whole weekend (day and night) of music hacking.

24 Nis 2010
25 Nis 2010

Soft-and hardware, workshops, art, the internet and communities. The future is created here, with you.

Together with Tim Heineke (Twones) and Vincent Lindeboom we are organizing a fantastic music hacking weekend.
The main goal of Music Hack Days is to explore and build the next generation of music applications. It's a full weekend of hacking in which participants will conceptualize, create and present their projects. Music, software, hardware, art, the web. Anything goes as long as it's music related.

My favorite presentation! The Hypercube!

The Pizza Order live!

General impression 2

General impression 1


Logo Music Hack Day - Rosa making her own crackle box.

STEIM Crackle Geeks