Schommelclub Concert

Six swings and live music

5 Oca 2012

For a few hours Schommelclub's 1000 meter space was filled with music, and acted as one giant resonator. Hauntingly amplifying an experimental jazz improvisation by Gareth Davis and Leo Fabriek (The Julie Mittens), and the historical sounds of Ensemble Rabaskadol. Including silent swinging films.


Rabaskadol bij de Concertavond van Mediamatic Schommelclub - Onderdeel van Mediamatic Schommelclub in de van Gendthallen. Anna Meijer


16.30 Ensemble Rabaskadol
17.00 Schommelvideo compilation - Lilian Stolk
17.30 Gareth Davis & Leo Fabriek
18.00 Ensemble Rabaskadol

Click here for a spooky soundbite of Ensemble Rabaskadol during the Schommelclub (from Audiodiary 2012).


Fritz Heller bespeelt de doedelzak bij de Concertavond van Mediamatic Schommelclub - Onderdeel van Mediamatic Schommelclub in de van Gendthallen. Anna Meijer

With: Fritz Heller


Ensemble Rabaskadol bij de Concertavond van Mediamatic Schommelclub - Onderdeel van Mediamatic Schommelclub in de van Gendthallen. Anna Meijer


Schommelen bij de Concertavond van Mediamatic Schommelclub - Onderdeel van Mediamatic Schommelclub in de van Gendthallen. Anna Meijer


Leo Fabriek en Gareth Davis tijdens de Concertavond van Mediamatic Schommelclub - Onderdeel van Mediamatic Schommelclub in de van Gendthallen. Anna Meijer


Leo Fabriek bij de Concertavond van Mediamatic Schommelclub - Onderdeel van Mediamatic Schommelclub in de van Gendthallen. Anna Meijer

With: Leo Fabriek

More information

From 16.00 to 19.00. Free entrance. Swinging fee is €1,- for adults, and €0,50 for kids. The Van Gendthallen are situated on the Oostenburgereiland. North of the zoo (Artis) and south of the KNSM-eiland. Visit this page for directions. Mediamatic Schommelclub is open daily from December 26 to January 8, between 14.00 and 19.00.

Mediamatic is contemplating moving to the Van Gendthallen. Part of this decision making process consists of organizing a number of experimental projects in the beautiful buildings.

Note: it's cold at the Schommelclub. Wear warm clothes.