Live: Sana Bob!

Reggae from Burkina Faso

31 Tem 2013

For over fifteen years Sana Bob has been igniting Burkina Faso's music scene with his combination of traditional African sounds and modern reggae beats. Immaculately dressed, dedicated to the simple life and social change: what's not to like? He gave us a unique concert, Sana Bob's only show in the Netherlands. Tickets were €5 (ex. membership). We served dinner before the concert (€5) from 19:00 on.


The bandmembers - Sana Bob's bandmembers chill out on the Mediamatic terrace before the show. Marcela Szwarc

More information

Location: Mediamatic, VOC-kade 10, 1018 LG, Oostenburg Amsterdam. Tickets were €5 excluding membership. The bar opened at 18:00, dinner for €5 was served at 19:00, and the concert started at 20:30.