Ignite Amsterdam 12

12 presentations x 5 minutes

16 Kas 2011

Explore the public realm through hacking, street art and photography. Imagine organic housing constructions, or dive into the magical world of parasites. What would The Netherlands look like if our maps were no longer based on space, but on time? These were some of the things we explored during Ignite Amsterdam 12. View our upcoming Ignite events here.


Alper bij Ignite Amsterdam 12 - Alper Çugun vertelt over Hack de Overheid. Govert de Jong

With: Alper Çugun


Ignite is run by locals, for locals. Founded in Seattle, the events are held around the world. Ignite is fast-paced and merciless, but most of all they're fun, thought-provoking nights, full of fresh ideas and clever insights. Speakers get five minutes to present their idea. They make use of twenty slides that auto-advance every fifteen seconds. A ruthless moderator will guarantee those five minutes aren't exceeded. Ignite serves as a platform for locals to connect offline and have a drink together. All presentations will be given in English.


Harmen de Hoop

Harmen intervenes in the public realm, by adjusting and re-appropriating objects and spaces.

Hack de Overheid

Alper Çugun will talk with us about data. Where is it and who has it? Why do we need it, how do we get it, and what do we do with it? Hack de Overheid works with organizations, governments and individuals on making data accessible, usable, and understandable.

Cassander Eeftinck Schattenkerk

Cassander's photographs recall landscapes known to most of us only through the glossy pages of scientific magazines, or television. Transforming materials and employing scale, he captures new, unstable worlds.


Cassander vertelt over zijn werk. - Foto genomen bij Ignite Amsterdam 12 . Govert de Jong


Harmen de Hoop spreekt - Foto genomen bij Ignite Amsterdam 12. Govert de Jong


Working in the realm of (hyper) pop culture, both Bertin's visual work as well as his music/sound work is colorfully offbeat.

Marc Faasse

Marc photographs public spaces, transforming busy squares and intersections into chess boards, and pedestrians into pawns.


Marc Faasse over zijn fotografie - Foto genomen bij Ignite Amsterdam 12. Govert de Jong

With: Marc Faasse


Bertin spreekt over zijn werk - Foto genomen bij Ignite Amsterdam 12. Govert de Jong

With: Bertin

Matthias Oostrik

A Netherlands Film and Television Academy graduate, Matthias explores new technologies and media. High on interaction, his installations deal with the dialog between human presence and technological interventions.

Quinsy Gario

Winner of the Hollandse Nieuwe Theaterprijs 2011. Quinsy's a good-hearted maverick who recently received publicity of a whole different kind - the young poet was beaten up by the police and arrested for wearing a Zwarte Piet is Racisme t-shirt to a Sinterklaas parade.


Quinsy Gario over Zwarte Piet is Racisme - Foto genomen bij Ignite Amsterdam 12. Govert de Jong



Matthias Oostrik over zijn installaties - Foto genomen bij Ignite Amsterdam 12. Govert de Jong


Marc Engelsma vertelt over parasieten - Foto genomen bij Ignite Amsterdam 12 . Govert de Jong

Marc Engelsma (Central Veterinary Institute Wageningen)

The Diplozoon Paradoxum is probably the most monogamous creature on this planet. The parasite has to find another parasite to survive. Together the two parasites become one. Marc (fish and shellfish diseases expert) will tell us about this and other parasites.

Arjan Scherpenisse and Vincent Meertens

TIMEMAPS imagines the map of The Netherlands based on time, instead of space. The map becomes bigger in the evenings when fewer buses and trains are operable, and shrinks during rush hour.


Arjan Scherpenisse en Vincent Meertens over Timemaps - Foto genomen bij Ignite Amsterdam 12. Govert de Jong


Annebel Evers vertelt over illustraties - Foto genomen bij Ignite Amsterdam 12 . Govert de Jong


Feike de Jong vertelt - Foto genomen bij Ignite Amsterdam 12 . Govert de Jong

Feike de Jong

Expeditie Biesbosch is a short-term, flood-resistant accommodation. Situated on the border between land and water, the skeleton of the temporary living quarters is made of willows. Expeditie Biesbosch was nominated for the Ondernemen met Natuur Natuurprijs 2011.

Annebel Evers

Annebel works as an illustrator and animator. At the end of this month, her latest project Mode Alphabet (Fashion Alphabet) will be presented. Tonight she'll give us a sneak preview.

Radna Rumping

Radna works with institutions like the Rijksakademie and Castrum Peregrini, and co-hosts the ever-charming Future Vintage radio show. Tonight she'll talk about Seeing Sounds, a monthly evening exploring music culture through film.


Radna Rumping over "Seeing Sounds" - Foto genomen bij Ignite Amsterdam 12 bij Mediamatic Bank. Govert de Jong


Erris Huigens en Gysbert Zijlstra spreken over hun project - Foto genomen bij Ignite 12 Govert de Jong

Erris Huigens and Gysbert Zijlstra

Erris and Gysbert (as both EHGZ and Graphic Surgery) create large scale abstract, architectural prints and installations, inspired by (and often injected back into) the contemporary urban landscape.

More information

Doors open at 8pm, the first speaker kicks off at 8.30pm. Location: Mediamatic Bank, Vijzelstraat 68 Amsterdam. Tickets €2.- excl membership. If you don't have a membership card, you can buy one at the door for €5.-.


Publiek bij Ignite Amsterdam 12 - Publiek luistert naar Harmen de Hoop. Govert de Jong