Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

Five classes in August

19 Ağs 2013
29 Ağs 2013

In the last two weeks there was a lot of yoga in the Freezing Favela! Yoga teacher Eva Kijlstra gave five classes in Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga; a dynamic movement flow yoga. It is a style of yoga that focuses on making the yoga practice into one continuous movement mediation. It’s quite physical, but in a good way.


Eva Kijlstra Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga - Eva will be teaching yoga in the Freezing Favela at the end of August 2013

More information

Ashtanga yoga is a relatively physical kind of yoga. It focuses on building up a flow in movement and breathing. In this flow a warmth grows in your body which you can use to clean your body from inside. Classes take about 1,5 hours, including a relaxing moment at the end called shavasana (the dead mans pose).


The Yoga classes took place on these dates:

  • Monday 19 August at 18.30 pm
  • Thursday 22 August at 10 am
  • Saturday 24 August at 12 pm --> different location!
  • Monday 26 August at 18.30 pm
  • Thursday 29 August at 10 am
Eva Kijlstra

My name is Eva, I have been doing yoga since I was 14 (I'm 29 now). The last seven years I specifically focused on Ashtanga yoga. In 2007 I achieved my teacher certificate at the Yoga Academy in New Zealand. Since then I have been teaching at different places. This year I graduated at the Mime School in Amsterdam. I'm a native English speaker from Australia, so I mainly teach in English.