Easter Weekend at Freezing Favela

5 Ways To Get Your Hands Dirty

31 Mar 2013
1 Nis 2013

Spend Easter doing something completely different. Italian chef Andrea Sossi of favelous will teach you the ins and outs of making a scrumptious risotto. If cooking isn't your thing, join the Tostifabriek team and learn about construction - they're building the barns for their cows and pigs. Another type of construction's going on at the Pigeon Tower: there you can learn to make bricks from old newspapers. At the Hot Love Nest you can hand over your organic waste to Derk Peter de Rijk, he will teach you how to make perfect compost with it. Finally, and only for those who really don't mind dirty hands: join the Poo Project and make paper from cow dung.


Boots in the Tostifabriek soil - Erik Diekstra


De Tostifabriek will be building on Saturday, Sunday and Monday between 10:00 and 18:00. Send an e-mail to Cas to let him know if you'll be stopping by.
Risotto workshops on Sunday between 15.00 and 17.00 and Monday between 14:00 and 17:00. (* In addition to your membership, this workshop costs €5,- or €6,- for your meal.)
The Poo Factory and the Pigeon Fertilization Tower are open from 14:00 to 17:00.
Favela tours every hour on the hour.
Learn everything about making compost. Sunday from 14:00 to 15:00 at the Hot Love Nest. Bring your own organic trash! (No meat or cooked food.)

Freezing Favela

Mediamatic Fabriek is situated in the Van Gendthallen on Oostenburg, Amsterdam. The space is big, unheated, and the roof leaks. Designers, cooks and other makers have been given the possibility to claim part of this space as their own. Favela citizens are making tosti's from scratch, paper from cow dung, furniture from cardboard, and food from the Mediamatic aquaponics farm. They give workshops, organize get-togethers, and serve food.

More information

Location: Mediamatic Fabriek, VOC-kade 10-12, Oostenburg Amsterdam. Entrance: valid membership (€5,- for 4 weeks.Get your membership online at the top of this page.