Favelous presents: Italian vegan dinner

Harmless food

16 Ağs 2013
17 Ağs 2013

After de-boning the pigs of the Tostifabriek, it was time for somethings radically different: no animal products at all. On this harmless, Italian menu, that costed €10: erbazzone, bruschetta con friggione, insalata di orzo, polpettine di ceci, mousse di fagioli con olio balsamico. Dessert was €3,50: strudel di mele aromatico. Doors were open on Friday and Saturday at 18.30.


Tomatoes on hands - Picture found on Flickr , made by Skånska Matupplevelser

English menu

Focaccia filled with this season's green leaves, bologna's classic tomatoes and onions, salty jam, barley salad with walnut pesto and rucola, chickpea balls with peppers coulis and white bean mousse with spicy oil. Dessert was €3,50: apple and rosemary strudel.

More information

Favelous was the Freezing Favela's pop-up canteen, runned by Andrea Sossi and Robert Bochove. They served honest, seasonal, affordable food and hosted workshops.

Freezing Favela

Freezing Favela was a temporary city at Mediamatic Fabriek. The space is big, unheated, and the roof leaks. Designers, cooks, and other makers had claimed part of this space as their own. In the Favela you could make tosti's from scratch, paper from cow dung, furniture from cardboard, and cook with ingredients from the aquaponics farm. Favela-citizens gave workshops and organized events and meals.