17 Mayıs 2012
10 Haz 2012

Opening exhibition of DIRT_ by ISEEJANEMARY
Dark lines, female shapes and black, black ink.

ISEEJANEMARY will present a series of brand new illustration and the release of a Limited Edition t-shirt.


DirtAD_klein -

About the Artist_
Being drawn to life and drawn to the act of drawing. That is how to best describe ISEEJANEMARY.
With the use of simple raw materials such as ink and pencil she illustrates her visions. In elegant but strong lines she enraptures a world that is both feminine and dark. She emphasizes weakness, pain, shadows, insects, and skeletons, and yet, is able to do so in a susceptible and delicate way.
Her work is inspired by the extravagance of Alexander McQueen, Isabella Blow and Chanel and has a strong connection with both fashion and the human body. And it should come as no surprise that DIRT is now also something you can wear.

In the past Jowy Maasdamme (Iseejanemary) made illustrations for Scotch & Soda, Myckromag and Glamcult. And recently initiated a project during Museumnacht: FACEME. Where she invited others to participate and face her while receiving their portrait.

About the Exhibition_
Not adjusting to the ordinary world takes strength and practice. It means doing what you always do. Everywhere, with no excuses. Bluntly!
I do walk this path but when I get wounded by fear or self doubt thats when I hide in my favorite spot: the pitch-black dirt where dirt embraces me, teaches me, where I play with shadows and bugs, where I transcend reality into imagination, where I pick up my pencil.
“And I draw draw draw draw....like a madwomen.”

And then the day comes.. when the risk to remain hidden and covered underneath the beautiful dirt is more painful than the risk it takes to blossom. So another drawing arise from the dirt : “Courages and Crazy as fuck!”

DIRT is a series of t-shirts and drawings inspired by a quote Anais Nin ;

"I refuse to live in the ordinary world, as ordinary people.
I will not adjust myself to the world I am adjusted to