
Stalkfest talks: Patents and Face Detection

With Jeremy Bailey, Zach Blas and Bogomir Doringer

2 Nis 2014

We welcome three interesting speakers on net-skepticism. Jeremy Bailey does performative research into the patents big companies like Apple and Google have on bodily gestures (swiping, looking up behind a pair of Google Glasses). Zach Blas researches facial recognition software and designs masks that hide you from it. Faceless-curator Bogomir Doringer will share his fascination for faceless images, which stems from politics, eroticism and power. There's food at 19:00; the first lecture will kick off at 20:00. Get your ticket(s) in advance.


Dialectical software gundam suit - This is part of an application by Jeremy Bailey for the project Dialectical Software Gundam Suit, a live performance involving a software “suit” that augments and extends both the creative and destructive abilities of the performer. Info and image found on the artist's website. Jeremy Bailey

Jeremy Bailey

Jeremy Bailey is a Toronto-based Famous New Media Artist whose work hides an exploration of the critical intersection between video, computing, performance, and the body. In his work he refers to the patents digital companies like Apple, Samsung and Google have on human gestures. In Videopaint 3.0 Baily generates graphics from data streams produced by his own gestures and movements, which augment real world video footage. These self made patents are too abstract to require projection.

Zach Blas

Zach Blas is an artist, writer, curator, and researcher whose work engages with technology, queerness, and politics. Blas is worried about the future of face detection. Not only is it already used to identify people, it is also used to detect emotional state or sexual preference. Blas's Face Cages highlight the general discrimination of biometrics machines. The cages (or masks) eliminate the facial contours of most individuals' faces, and create a digital portrait of dehumanization.

Bogomir Doringer

Curator and artist Bogomir Doringer noticed a rise of facelessness in fashion and art after 9/11. Interested in the political, social and erotic dimensions of this trend, he put together Faceless, a traveling exhibition featuring 100+ videos, images, photographs and artworks.

Published on Nov 2, 2013
Software designed to empower all women created in collaboration with my wife Kristen D Schaffer.

Created on the occasion of The Wrong - New Digital Art Biennale http://thewrong.org
for the Eternal Internet Otherhood Pavilion curated by Lorna Mills. http://www.theeternalinternetotherhoo...

Thanks to Kyle McDonald for FaceOSC and to Quartier21 at Museums Quartier for their support. http://www.quartier21.at/en/

Video found on YouTube. By: Jeremy Bailey

More information

Food will be served at 19:00; the lectures begin at 20:00. Location: Mediamatic, VOC-kade 10, Oostenburg Amsterdam. Tickets are €10 (including a Mediamatic membership for 9 weeks). Buy your ticket(s) via this link. Tickets don't include food.

Made possible with the special support of Sandberg Instituut and the Nederlandse Filmacademie (Master Film).