Echokamer #15: Tapes

With Wouter van Veldhoven and others

27 Şub 2014

With cans, cigar boxes, broken radios, toy instruments and modified tape recorders Wouter van Veldhoven ‘builds’ organically mesmerizing and tranquil compositions. Mark IJzerman, Myrthe van de Weetering (violin), and Mark Nieuwenhuis (trumpet) combine pre-recorded cassette loops and reel to reel recorders with the characteristic sounds of the Echokamer. Join us for two tape-heavy acts. Come early for a free tour of the Faceless show.


a selection of things I use and love - By Wouter van Veldhoven, found on his Tumblr.

More information

Echokamer #15 will take place at Mediamatic, VOC-Kade 10, Amsterdam on Thursday February 27. Entrance fee is €8 (including a 9 weeks membership). A vegetarian meal is served for €5, before the concert, at 19:00. The event starts at 20:00.

Extra: free Faceless tour

The Echokamer is located in our exhibition Faceless. At 19:00 we will guide you through the 100+ faceless videos, photographs, images and art works.

four tape recorder techniques for minimal techno: looping, delay, reverse delay and saturation By: Wouter van Veldhoven

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