Mediamatic Magazine vol 3#3 Lidewijde Desmet 1 Oca 1989

Bideoaldia, Manual De Instrucciones II

Bideoaldia eta Muzak- Crash bosgarren kolektiboa Tolosa, 11-16 oktober 1988 BOSGARREN KOLEKTIBOA Tel.943/673820 E 79 pp Pt.500


Bideoaldia -

This festival organized by the BOSGARREN collective from the Basque city of Tolosa provides yet more evidence of the rapid production of video art in Spain although it primarily functioned as a platform for broadcasts. The festival which took place at the end of last year showed many works by as yet unknown Spanish artists, EUGENI BONET curated the program of Catalan video, XAVIER GONZALEZ and MARCELO EXPOSITO selected the installations from Madrid, AART VAN BARNEVELD provided the Dutch works, SIMON BIGGS the American (see his Reclamations article which was published in Mediamatic 2#2). As entertainment a program called Muzak-Crash amply reflected the state of electronic graphics and music. (LIDEWIJDE DE SMET)