
Play the City Talk Show

How City Gaming will Save City Planning

12 Eyl 2014

Play the City's book Negotiation and Design for the Self-Organizing City is now out. This is an outcome of the Play the City Founder's, doctoral research at Delft University of Technology.
To celebrate the occasion, a great line-up of professionals gather to discuss the relevancy of City Games to Collaborative City Making.
Please use the RSVP button for catering reasons.

Book press release Dutch online.


Play the City Talk Show -


Urban designers, city officers, game designers, writers, sociologists, human geographers, journalists, builders, academics, historians will present their 3-minute views on how games can help city making, or can't.

Talk Show Host is Michiel van Iersel from Failed Architecture&Non-fiction.

19:30: Welcome by Dr. R. E. Tan
Founder Play the City

19:45 Interview with Yuval Portugali
The Author of “Self-organization and the City” prof. of Human Geography Tel Aviv University

20:00 Talk Show with Game Designers
Marcus Vlaar
Ranj Serious Gaming

Igor Mayor
Signature Games

Jeroen Warmerdam

20:30 Drinks&Noord Ice
21:00 Scholars
Ben Schouten
Prof. of Play, TU Eindhoven

Arnold Reijndorp
Prof. University of Amsterdam

Zef Hemel
Prof. University of Amsterdam

Henco Bekkering
Prof. TU Delft

Han Brezet
Prof. TU Delft

21:30 Practitioners
Cilly Jansen*
Director Architectuur Lokaal

Jacqueline Tellinga
Project Leader City of Almere

Yulan van Alphen*
Social Design Stichting DOEN

Marta Relats
PhD Candidate TU Delft + Design as Politics

Malkit Shoshan
PhD Candidate TU Delft + FAST

Renny Ramakers

21:45 Final Words
Ekim Tan
22:00 Drinks&Music
Professor B

*waiting for confirmation