1 Oca 2004

Tunnel Vision

Jasper van den Brink

Jasper van den Brink's projection could be seen on Mediamatic Supermarkt from January 5 through 18.

Jasper van den Brink had motorist and passer-by go through a special experience. He mounted a videocamera on the rotating part of a cement mixer and drove it back and forth through the Y-tunnel endlessly. The result is a totally disorienting projection causing the motorist to never be able to drive and look through Y-tunnel again as he used to.

Tunnel Vision
Jasper van den Brink studied at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie and at the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam. His work consists of video installations and installations in public space. He won a second prize at the Prix de Rome Film/Video contest in 2002.

In 2003 he had exhibitions in a.o. Montreal, Paris, Tokyo and Jakarta.