Here I will write down questions that arise and try to answer them, give instructions and research on how to do things.
Therefore I contacted the Hopfenforschungszentrum Hüll that researches on and cultivates hops in the main hop cultivation region Hallertau in Germany. I also contacted the garden centre 1A Garten Eickelmann.
Thanks here to Franz Seidl and Anton Lutz.
Q: Can you grow hops in Amsterdam?
A: Yes you can! There is a whole industry in Belgium at similar climate.
Q: Inside or outside?
A: Better outside, as the height of the plant can reach up to 7 meters.
Q: Wich kind of hop is the best for the dutch climate?
A: In Belgium there is mainly english hops and the "Hallertauer Tradition" cultivated. This is one has good resistance properties and a fast winding rate. Moreover it has a good aroma that can be compared to the "Hallertauer Mittelfrüh".
Q: What might be the main obstacle for hop growth in the Netherlands?
A: The windy weather is probably the main harm for hop cultivation. The relative thin structure and the big height make it a fragile plant. So there should be found a place that is sheltered from direct weather influence.
Q: How do I plant hops?
A: Hop is only reproduced vegetative. Only the female plant is used for cultivation. As soon as there is a male plant around fruitifying the ingredients for beer brewing get lost. One can buy "Hopfenfechser", the roots of the plant.
A good adress is the Gartencenter Eichelmann's onlineshop. But not every kind of hop may be available because many of the famous hops are licenced and patented.
Q: Wich height can the plant reach?
A: It should reach at least 4,5 meters, in Germany heights of 7 meters are common.
Q: What nutrients does it need?
A: Hop is a riparian plant. It loves high nutrious soil with high nitrogen level.
more on cultivation and fertilisation of hops here:
booklet of the research centre on hops in Hüll