Book Launch: Hope, Votes & Bullets: A Year in Iran from the 2009 Elections

5 Şub 2011
  • 1:00 -0:59
  • Mezrab
  • 2e laurierdwarsstraat 50, Amsterdam

If you are wondering what the people on the streets of Tunisia and Egypt are thinking, you might get some insight from this collection from people on the streets of Iran and abroad whose lives were transformed by the events surrounding flawed presidential elections in 2009. Several of the contributors will be on hand at the Mezrab to discuss the book including Scott Lucas (Enduring America), Fred Andon Petrossians (Radio Farda), Tori Egherman (Arseh Sevom) and Kamran Ashtay (Dehrang Publishing). + Surprise guests such as (spoiler alert!) Sohrab Mokhtari.

Doors open at 19:30

The book will be for sale for 20 euros. 8 euros from each book will be donated to Mezrab.


Mezrab Book Launch Poster - Come one! Come all! Saturday, Feb. 5 at the Mezrab in Amsterdam. Doors open at 19:30.