"Of Two Minds, Simultaneously"

Richard Hawkins

3 Şub 2007
17 Kas 2007
  • 23:59 -0:00
  • De Appel
  • de Appel, 1017 DE Amsterdam

De Appel presents the first comprehensive retrospective in Europe by the American artist Richard Hawkins (USA, 1961). The exhibition follows Hawkins’ almost inimitable development up till now: starting with his collages from the 1990s; intriguing because they show how a powerful artwork can originate from very few visual means, right up to his recent dolls’ houses transformed into brothels that herald another completely new direction in Hawkins’ heterogeneous oeuvre.


"Sunburn", 2006 - Sarah Birgitte Berckenkamp

Opening November 16th, 18h in de Appel