
Mediamatic Workshop Interactive Video


10 Haz 2004
14 Haz 2004

Five intense days of exploring, discussing and building interactive video projects with international video artists during the World Wide Video Festival in Amsterdam.

Digital interactive media offer alternative ways to tell and experience stories. This workshop is about exploring these ways in a very practical way. With an international group of authors you will design a project from your own footage and build a working prototype. Workshop results will be presented on 15 June at 16.00 at the World Wide Video Festival Auditorium.

As practical research tool, participants will use the Korsakow System. Korsakow projects can be published on- and offline. The participation fee is Euro 300, which includes lunches and an accreditation to the festival.

Register now at to join us in Amsterdam and develop your own project in less than a week!

Visit for workshop details or call +31 (0) 20-6389901