or can happiness be synthesized?

20 Nis 2010
24 Nis 2010

April 20. - 24. 2010, 2PM - 7PM+
April 24. 2010, from 7 PM - Public: Come-come

Registration until April 15. 2010:
workshop |at| aa-vv |dot| org -> Natalia

We are hoping to encounter different, but experimentally thinking, DIY and collaboratively working individuals in
time, place and space meaningfully and relatively, trying (still) to connect all into an organic 'whole' fluently by means of inventing transitions between each other, the inside/outside spaces, analogue and digital, high and low-no-tech..

Suggested content:
We will be exploring simple functions and hardware of mobile phones such as: SMS, blue-tooth, video, in-built photo camera, speakers, vibrator, sensors to generate participatory art project in public space by playing with different ways of connecting the inside of our studio-space with the outside-neighborhood. For those interested we will also look into a programming environment to code little applications for
mobile phones called Mobile Processing to control in-built sensors or create graphical user interfaces. Participants with newer phones are also welcome to use their GPS or video chat function or play with Linux-based mobile operating systems.

Possible structure Day 1-5:
Investigating the venue, surroundings and possibilities for intervention; Exploring the neighborhood in terms of integration and being a part of a process;
Ideas round and how those ideas could be related;
Hands-on: Functions and hardware of mobile phones, Mobile Processing or/and the Arduino and Processing basics + DIY potentiometers, hacked toys controlled via an Arduino etc;
Round: 'What have we got done so far' and how all this can be related;
Collaboratively developing ideas further, helping each other, fluently relating and meaningfully constructing the 'whole';
Performing, enjoying and celebrating;
De-constructing, cleaning up and heading home with happy plans for the future;)

The workshop aimed at:
10-12 technology-related 'artists' working in DIY and experimental spirit. Experience in programming is beneficial, but not essential. Please make sure that you can manage the whole duration of the workshop = April 20.- 24. 2010, including public part on the evening 24th.

65,- Euro/the whole lot (Including missing Arduinos, basic materials, tee, cookies, surprises ..)

Stefanie Wuschitz
uses interactive technology to build mobile sound and video
installations site-specifically encouraging the construction of unique social and collaborative spaces. Her current focus is on subversive public art produced by women with wireless technology. She was one of the organizers of the international festival 'Eclectic Tech Carnival' in Umea/Sweden and founder of 'Miss Baltazar's Laboratory'= weekly workshops on Open Source Software, Arduino, art techniques as e.g. laser cutting, wearable technology and circuit building (currently based at
Metalab/Vienna). Conducted the following workshops:
Mobile-hack-day, Supersimple Robots Workshop at Letni dilny
Cistirna-Prague, XBee Workshop at OKNO Bruesseles,
Mobile Processing Workshop, Stockholm, Sweden and many other.
Amir Hassan
Java, C++, Perl, Shell/Script, Prolog, Linux, mplayer, VMs, fire, CNC
mill, lathe, laser cutter, his blues harps

More information about the project:

To participate:
Please send an e-mail to workshop|at|aa-vv|dot|org
with a brief statement of your interest/eas and background.
The URL of your activity would be helpful too.


connected.jpg - First name