
27 Mar 2008
18 Mayıs 2008
  • Gasworks
  • 155 Vauxhall Street, SE11 5RH London

Disclosures is a multi-faceted project that looks at the manifestations of Open Source methodologies in fields of cultural production outside of the Internet. Open Source here refers to situations in which the viewer, reader, listener or internet user becomes emancipated through egalitarian participation, collaborative authorship and/or the breaking down of hierarchical and social boundaries.


Zanny Begg & Oliver Ressler, What Would It Mean To Win?, 2008, 40min, Film still -

If openness is found in varied cultural practices, it matches certain systems and economies (internet-based or media practices) better than others (the artworld or the film and music industries). Issues around Intellectual Property and copyright ? and the question of whether or not diffuse authorship and unrestrictive distribution are financially viable ? come immediately to mind. Meanwhile, assessing the socio-economic, political and cultural conditions for openness is a necessary step.

A second reading of openness revolves around the idea of transparency and of availability of information. Of relevance here are practices which are committed to releasing public information and resources that have been out of civic reach for political, economic, historic or bureaucratic reasons. Disclosures will address histories and genealogies that inscribe themselves outside of the rigid bonds of 'monopolistic' versus 'alternative' social and cultural activity.

A range of practitioners, from tactical media practitioners, to cultural theorists, music producers and artists, will help identify and discuss references and strategies that have been common to two interrelated areas of practice: critical media practice and socially-collaborative work in the expanded visual art field. The various facets of the project will attempt to find a common language and to set up the basis for improved understanding and greater collaboration between the two fields.


Date: Thursday 27 March 2008, 8pm - 1am Admission Free
Location: Plastic People


Dates: Saturday 29 - Sunday 30 March 2008, 10.30am - 7.30pm
For free booking and info: moira@gasworks.org.uk
Location: Toynbee Hall (Saturday 29th) and Middlesex Street Estate (Sunday 30th)

Film and Reading Library

Preview: Thursday 10 April
Continues: to Sunday 18 May. Open Wed-Sun, 12-6pm
Location: Gasworks

Floating Events

Dates: April-May Location: Gasworks + Goldsmiths University
Events: See the full programme