In his earlier career, Andrew combined different disciplines of the media industry, arts and education. He worked as a director at Europe Online in Luxemburg and T-Online in Darmstadt. In addition, Andrew was an independent media consultant for large business corporations in Southern France and for various EU digital media and educational programmes.
Andrew taught literature and media at universities in Great Britain, East and West Berlin and the Netherlands.
Andrew recently delivered the Keynote Lecture "Beyond the Singular into the Collaborative" at the Dutch Pavillion at the Venice Biennale. He is the author of many publications in the field of journalism, media and fiction. Recent publications include "Media Labs and Open Societies" in the Volume Magazine "Engineering Society" edition, “Redefining the Guild” in Uncommon Ground: Creative Encounters across Sectors & Disciplines published by BIS Publishers and "Innovation and external financing for Cultural/Creative SMEs" in "Read this first, growth and development of Cutural SMEs" in 2007. Other publications include ‘The media fantasy and doom scenario 2015: brave new artist…or Z.., a future tragedy, part 1?’ published on the occasion of the conference of the European Artists’ Associations in September 2004.