Sensing City

in concert with Amsterdam

10 Nis 2008

A city has its own rhythm that affects the life of its people and is at the same time created by them. Bus schedules, traffic lights and the turn signals of cars are familiar patterns to the citizen.
This interplay between creation and inspiration is also at the heart of all music. Making music means translating impression into sound, listening to music means transforming sound into impression.

So what happens if we allow these urban rhythms to occasionally have a direct influence on the musical performance of an eleven-piece-ensemble?
As the movement of cars outside the concert venue triggers the rhythms that are being played, the urban dwellers not knowingly become part of the composition, the city becomes audible through the musicians. This process happens in real-time and is guided by the framework of a video-installation that surrounds the ensemble during the performance of sensing city.

Following the performance, there will be an after-show get-together with
the DJs Nils Frahm (Berlin) and Toby Paul (Amsterdam Red Nose District).