Something Light

27 Mayıs 2008
28 Haz 2008

RONMANDOS gallery Amsterdam presents Something Light, a solo exhibition by the American artist Daniel Arsham.


Daniel Arshman, Curtain, 2007 -

Working in diverse media Miami-bred artist, Daniel Arsham synthesises a future civilisation, symbolised by its architecture, where a cold, entropic beauty empowers nature over culture, in a manner akin to J.G. Ballard’s crystalline worlds, but where people’s lives can only be guessed at or wondered about from afar.

In the series of work especially created for this exposition, this other-worldy aesthetic of nature’s reassertion over culture, is clearly evident. A series of gouaches detail rectilinear posts emerging like ghosts from leafy overgrowths. Sculptures form negative incisions, eating in as erosions into objects and the gallery walls.

Simultaneously to this show, Hans Op de Beeck will exclusively present a series of 5 limited edition prints, entitled ‘Possible Panoramas’.
‘Possible Panoramas’ are imaginary landscapes created in aquarelle and ink that embody, just as the installation ‘Location (6)’ to which they refer, something simultaneously still and suggestive.
‘Location (6)’ will be open to the public every day between the hours of 12 noon and 11 pm from the 1st to the 21st of June at the Gashouder of the Westergasfabriek in Amsterdam.