The artist is a mysterious entertainer

10 Haz 2008
22 Haz 2008

“The artist is a mysterious entertainer” takes as its starting point the permanent piece by Allen Ruppersberg located on the top floor of de Appel’s building.


Ruppersberg’s “Library Floor” (1994) -

Ruppersberg’s “Library Floor” (1994) is made of black and white chequered linoleum on which words have been inscribed, representing entries in the artist’s imaginary library. This work will play different roles in the exhibition, which takes it as its physical as much as conceptual frame. Departing from this imaginary library, the exhibition – which runs over a period of 20 days - intends to explore the multi-faceted role of the artist as author, narrator and fictional character, looking at various artistic practices that are drawn to the performative dimension of language and the invention of fictions.

Performances and Public Talk:

Sunday June 1 and Saturday June 21 at 7 pm
Performances of Guy de Cointet (FR/US): “Two Drawings” and “My Father’s Diary”, performed by Mary Ann Glicksman (US/FR).

Saturday June 21 there will be a guided tour threw the exhibition by Vanessa Desclaux.