Bart Vegter and The Magic I.D.

audio visual antidotes

6 أيار / مايو 2009
  • 20:30
  • Worm
  • Achterhaven 148, 3024 RC Rotterdam

A double header of audio visual antidotes to the arbitrary, the proprietary, and the mundane!


MAGID ID - Source:


Worm is delighted to have film-maker BART VEGTER with them 6 May, presenting films spanning almost thirty years of singularly inspired, auto didactically algorithmic film making.

An engineer at Philips and briefly a physics teacher, the 1970s brought Bart into contact with FRANS ZWARTJES, PAUL DE MOL and JACQUES VERBEEK at the centre of the Vrij Academie in Den Haag's creative kern, inspiring him to look for his own means of cinematographic communication.

What resulted were films in their purest most absolute form, Vegter developing these via sturdily scientific, mathematical prowess and self written computer software. The software itself evolving in leaps and bounds, clasped hand in hand with the image and Vegter's own artistic development and creative discovery.

Lacking any whiff of mysticism or beliefs in technology as ideology, Bart Vegter's films provided strong pre-cursors to the work of JOOST REKVELD and are an astonishing antidote to the arbitrary, the proprietary, and the mundane.


The MAGIC I.D. is a Black Panther quoting, prince loving Berlin-based quartet consisting of:

MARGARETH KAMMERER (vocals & guitars)
CHRISTOF KURZMANN (vocals, g3 & lloopp)

Their debut album “Till My Breath Gives Out” (the WIRE's record of the month in May 2008) expanded songs through freeze frames of electronics into elegantly nuanced, kissed out, tracking shots of pop with hooks, and arrangements so meticulous and pared-down that they instantly found flesh.

Nebulous and dreamy, with drooping Lou Reed cadences and wobbly guitar licks the Magic I.D. remain chillingly focused as reviewers' drunken praise has name checked the lexicon of pipilotti rist pop greats: Scott Walker, Joanna Newsom, Gastr Del Sol and Talk Talk's Mark Hollis.

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Costs: 5 euro
Time: 20.30