
Isuma Productions, Inc.

Indie Inuit video and film production

Our name Isuma means 'to think' – as in Thinking Productions. Young and old work together to keep our ancestors' knowledge alive.


The Journals of Knud Rasmussen, Isuma Productions - Source

Igloolik Isuma Productions, Inc. was incorporated in January 1990 as Canada's first Inuit independent production company.

Isuma is 75% Inuit-owned. The founding shareholders are Zacharias Kunuk (President), Paul Apak Angilirq (Vice-President), Pauloosie Qulitalik (Chairman), and Norman Cohn (Secretary-Treasurer). Paul Apak passed away in December 1998.

Isuma’s headquarters are in Igloolik, Nunavut, with a southern office in Montreal and international representation in New York.

Contact information

  • Isuma Productions, Inc.