WHY NOT! Festival

call for makers

Festival WHY NOT starts in W139, an art gallery in the middle of Amsterdam.

This festival is about the need to give young emerging choreographers a chance to show their work to a new public. The festival creates a stage what means that the makers have to take in consideration that they have to work with the facilities that are available at the location. But..
It's a great inspiring location where you can attract new dance public, an opportunity to invite people, and to develop yourself further as a choreographer because you need the public.


WHY NOT! - Source: festivalwhynot.nl

The festival is looking for:

  • Choreographies +/- 30 minutes
  • Finished pieces
  • There should be documentation, a performance or the possibility to watch a rehearsal
  • Participants take part in the last part of the evening, a dance improvisation

Would you like to be part of the festival?
Than you can send your registration of your work to: info@festivalwhynot.nl