OpenToko #20 - Linux

Linux for art installations

16 أيار / مايو 2010

At May 16th there will be an OpenToko workshop about the Linux operating system with a focus on using it in art installations. This workshop will be interesting for both newbies and people with some level of experience already. First a general overview will be given by Leen Smit followed by a hands-on session trying different Linux distributions on different computers.


OpenToko #20 - Linux - Rick Companje

Topics of the day:
- How is the operating system organized?
- What are the tasks of the kernel and what do the deamons?
- How to perform some system management from the shell: users, processes, devices, scheduler etc?
- How the the different package managers work and how to find the right repositories?
- How to install drivers for your hardware?
- What about networking tools like rlogin, ssh, vnc etc.?
- How to do a system upgrade without loosing your data and settings?
- How to run Linux efficiently on cheap hardware (netbooks, mini-itx etc).

The day starts with a session by Leen Smit focussing on the questions above. In the afternoon we will try several Linux distributions (ubuntu, debian, sidux and more) on different computers: netbook, netbook running from a live-cd, mini-itx computer, mini-itx computer booting from usb-drive, MacBook. If you have a computer on which you would like to install or optimize Linux please bring it.

“Get inspiration or technical help for your own creative projects, and share your tinker tricks with others." is a knowledge sharing community, set up around a series of open workshops in the field of art and technology.
For each OpenToko a topic is set and speakers are invited to share their knowledge and experience in that field. As a location we choose the workshop of one of the participants. Everybody is welcome and everybody should share the knowledge they have, which doesn’t mean you have to know a lot to join. However, if you let us know the topics about which you know something, we’ll ask you to teach (part of) a OpenToko next time.

We are not a funded organization. We ask you to make a donation for the food we cook and for what the knowledge you have gained from the workshop is worth to you.

If you want to join this session, please fill out the registration form:

Date: May 16th, 2010 @ 10:00
Location: Kleine Koppel 40, 3812 PH Amersfoort (