

Vintage photography popup gallery

Flash Projects specialises in iconic vintage photographs and contemporary editions of popular culture from the 1950s to the 1970s, with a focus on the most celebrated cinema, music and fashion of the period.

Flash Projects presents vintage photographs from the great period of European popular culture. As well as presenting some of the most influential figures of this time, Flash Projects also seeks to draw attention to the greatest photographers of the era from Geppetti, Pierluigi and Secchiaroli in Rome to Raymond Cauchetier in Paris and David Bailey and his contemporaries in London.

Flash Projects focuses on the original paparazzi photographers in Fellini’s Rome of the 1950s and 1960s, the French New Wave Cinema of Godard and Truffaut in the 1960s and the Music, Fashion and Cinema of Swinging London, with The Beatles and Rolling Stones at its centre.

In addition to sourcing rare one-off original vintage photographs, Flash Projects will also publish limited edition prints.

Contact information

  • Flash
  • 8 Kingly Street
  • London
  • GB