The extensive expo of robotics and interactive art challenges the visitors to undertake their own explorations. The works range from small, subtle, and poetic to awesome and overwhelming. The interactive nature of the works in particular investigates the increasingly vague boundary between technology, humankind, and art, and often leads to confrontational experiences!
The music programmes of Friday and Saturday start at 20.00 and continue until six o'clock in the morning. The extensive music programme presents alongside big names also superb high-tech experiments in the field of electronic music.
The visuals programme comprises video art/video clips, live cinema, animation, and documentaries. The live cinema performances are a experience in which image and sound are in perfect harmony with one another, almost creating a new dimension.
Starting at a calm pace, the performance soon enough literally builds up steam, immersing the audience in a dark space full of smoke, stroboscopes, projections of androgynous creatures and ear-deafening sound. Feed was developed for Theatre Biennial Venice 2005.
For full programme, see