book: Paul Watzlawick

Anleitung zum Unglücklich sein

A short introduction to get an unhappy life.


Anleitung zum Unglücklichsein - *

I would like to tell you something about a book from Paul Wathlawick - an Austrian psychotherapist, philosopher and writer. It´s called "Anleitung zum Unglücklichsein" which means "introduction to be unhappy". In a very sarcastic way he describes small histories of common people and gives tips how to make this situations worth.. or sometimes he just lets the stories speak for themselves.
It´s a very funny way to look at the behavior of people in our society. Personally I can find myself in some of the descriptions, so it made me think about a lot of unconscious behavior that has no sense but makes life harder… A good way to rethink your bad habits.