The JA.CA Center for Art and Technology

is pleased to announce a call for applications for a new artist residency!

JA.CA is a center for creation and artistic development located in the neighborhood of Jardim Canadá in the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Jardim Canadá is bordered on one side by the city and on the other by the natural reserve Parque Estadual Serra do Rola-Moça.


JA.CA - source


JA.CA's mission is to foster artistic projects which make use of different approaches and technologies to dialogue with the local community -- through creative stimulus, educational initiatives and collaborative practices. Artists working in all media interested in the conceptual and practical inquiries raised by technology are encouraged to apply.

JA.CA thinks of technology, of new media, as something much beyond the technical -- as a media in which artistic practice finds a dynamism and expressive immediacy congruent with the pace and fluidity of contemporary culture. Ja.CA believes that new media is a critical tool for the advancement of ever-larger artistic dialogues involving new students, constituents, and interlocutors.

In 2010 JA.CA’s residency program expects to welcome Brazilian and international artists. International artists will be invited to stay for 2 months and the Residency Program will offer the following benefits: round-trip airfare from their country of origin to Belo Horizonte, individual accommodation, free access to a communal studio (with individualized workspace), and production assistance in the form of R$1,000 (Brazilian currency) per month. International residencies in 2010 will take place between the months of May and November.


The selection process will take place from February 20th to March 20th, 2010. Interested artists must apply using an online form. Applicants may continue to edit their online application until 11pm EST on March 20th, 2010 – after which applications will no longer be accepted.

You can find the participation form here.

Participants will be selected by a panel of curators, artists, and directors of other residencies. The selection process will take into account the originality and coherence of the proposed project as well as the applicant’s particular artistic inquiry. All applicants—regardless of whether or not they are selected—will be notified by email.

For more information about the Center and the Residency Program: