Irem Biter

Open Call for Architecture Talk Series: Celebrating Neurodivergent Designers

As the Mediamatic a/Artist project team, we are excited to announce an upcoming series of architecture talks that will spotlight the unique contributions of neurodivergent designers. With a particular focus on individuals who identify with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), these talks will be held in the near future. We invite interested participants to apply now and be part of this inspiring event.


Q&A Systke van Koeveringe -

Why We Need Neurodivergent Spatial Designers


This series aims to highlight the importance of neurodiversity in architecture and design. We believe that neurodivergent individuals bring invaluable perspectives and skills to the field. Our talks will explore the following themes:

  • The value of neurodivergent architects and designers in today's architectural landscape.
  • How to better recognize and appreciate the contributions of neurodivergent professionals.
  • Strategies for supporting and empowering neurodivergent designers within our teams and communities.


Call for Speakers


We invite neurodivergent designers to participate in this initiative. If you have a compelling story or insights to share about neurodivergence and architecture, we encourage you to apply. Here’s what we’re looking for:

  • Profession: Your profession should be related to spatial design (e.g., architecture, urban planning, interior design, artist, writer etc.).
  • Biography: A brief biography of up to 200 words.
  • Abstract: An abstract of your proposed talk (up to 300 words) explaining the key points and themes you will address.
  • Links: A link to your website or any relevant social media profiles.


Submission Details


Please compile your submission into a maximum of two pages in PDF format and send it to us: Selected speakers will receive a fee of €150 for their participation.


There is no deadline for submissions. Feel free to contact us if you require accessibility adjustments.

We look forward to hearing from you and learning how your experiences and insights can enrich the field of architecture. Let’s work together to better value the contributions of neurodivergent makers and support each other in this journey.

For any questions or more information, please contact us at