


55 jaar stadsherstel -

Stadsherstel is a company that acquires, restores, maintains and manages historical buildings that are characteristic of the cityscape of Amsterdam's centre. The company was founded in 1956, as a reaction against the decline of the historic city centre. The initiative was taken by a few private individuals from Amsterdam, who were very discontented with the authorities' passive attitude and thus took control themselves. Stadsherstel is a limited liability company and is presided by a board of supervisors, who represent the company's shareholders. Those shareholders consist of several Dutch banks and insurance companies. Interestingly enough, in the early 1970s the municipality of Amsterdam became one of Stadsherstel's shareholders. Even though the company was initially founded opposing the plans of the authorities, now a practical cooperation was developed. Because of this Stadsherstel was able to anticipate on the ever-changing circumstances of the city and its spatial planning policies. This makes Stadsherstel into an example of a successful public-private partnership (PPP), that with socially responsible effectiveness aspires to give the historical buildings in the city a healthy future.

Contact information

  • Stadsherstel
  • Amstelveld 10
  • 1017JD
  • Amsterdam
  • NL
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