Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 7#1 Richard Wright 1 Jan 1992
Brenda Laurel, Computers as Theatre, Addison Wesley Publishing Company Incorporated Boston MA 1993
Computers are not tools for processing data, but a medium for representing actions in which human beings participate. What started life as a way to make computers easier for people to use and evolved...
OBA, Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam
Copy: Kom je ook? 1
14Nov 2008A Myspace or Hyves for your organization? Twitter in your museum? Flickr to extend your collection? 'Kom je ook?' showed you the most inspiring web2.0 examples. A symposium for cultural heritage...
felipe ignacio
hello world
I am a laptop composer/performer looking for innovation and magic in music. I am exploring ideas of magical reality through illusions that can be created on stage with wireless/hidden electronics and...