De week van Ypenburg
11May 200917May 2009Iedere dag een verrassend programma onder regie van kunstenaar PJ Roggeband. Deelname is gratis!
claudia costa pederson
Currently working on disserting about videogames and games by artists with a focus on dada, surrealism, situationism, and tactical media.
Daniela Reimann
I am a researcher and educator in media art, technology and education, currently teaching at the University of Art and Industrial Design Linz. I did my PhD on integrated arts and computer science in...
Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
Opening: My Name is Spinoza
8May 20098May 2009On 8 May 2009 at 16.00 hrs. began the art manifestation My name is Spinoza. The manifestation offers a platform for artists, arts organisations and the public and finds out whether the ideas of the...
Staging Cities. The video.
An assembly of humans and not humans at the Matanzas-Riachuelo river basin. Buenos Aires 2009.
“Staging Cities: The urban shit of the Matanzas-Riachuelo river basin. Buenos Aires 2009.” video.14 min. Concept, production and direction: M7red. Mauricio Corbalan, Pio Torroja. Camera and editing:...
Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst Elena Perez
Think Ahead! Open Platform
9May 2009The 'Think Ahead! Open Platform' explores the future of media art and digital culture. It is a marketplace of ideas and an incubator. Be ready for quick insights into artists' minds and creatives'...
V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media
Test_Lab: Fashionable Technology
20May 2009Test_Lab is a bi-monthly public event organized by V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media that provides an informal setting for the presentation, demonstration, testing, and discussion of artistic...
Bazel / Stadsarchief Amsterdam
NY Perspectives
13May 2009In het Stadsarchief Amsterdam, Vijzelstraat 32 op woensdag 13 mei vanaf 20.00 tot 22.00
Malleability Revisited
27Apr 2009Met het project 'Malleability Revisited: Beyond the interstitial experience' doet Expodium samen met een groep kunstenaars onderzoek naar de onbestemde plekken (zgn. Terrains Vagues) in de stad.
11Jun 200914Jun 2009The history of documentaries on art is almost as long as that of cinema itself. Early on, filmmakers were fascinated by the opportunity to document the process of art coming to life. Artists’...
Arsenale di Venezia
Oldest industrial area of europe and main location of Venice Biennales
Boat: From Gardini & Biennale boatlines 41/42 &51/52 Please enquire for direct boatlines from the Arsenale to the Rietveld Arsenale exhibition On foot: From Campo d’arsenale via boat stop Celestia
Arsenale di Venezia
Rietveld Arsenale
4Jun 20099Jul 2009Photography by: Daya Cahen, Idan Hayosh, Marianne Vierø and Eva-Fiore Kovacovsky. Photography by ex-students: Celine van Balen, Anuschka Blommers/Niels Schumm, Koos Breukel, Elspeth Diederix, Rineke...
Reinier Klok
Reinier Klok studies cultural heritage. Reinier Klok plays records for Future Vintage. Reinier Klok is fascinated by emerging & changing culture (like reggae, baile funk, graffiti, hiphop and grime...
Virtual disaster
Jennifer Allen on m7red's inundacion! (flood!)
WHAT IS THE role of urban architecture in a natural disaster? As Hurricane Katrina showed, buildings have few options--weather the storm or collapse. The drowning city has become a familiar and...
My Little Underground
Femke Dekker
Born in Haarlem, The Netherlands but raised in various countries in a tri-lingual household, I'm an Amsterdam based editor for publications such as Anthem Magazine (US) and Subbacultcha (NL) and was...
Teatro do chat/Porto Alegre
American Book Centre
Are you reading me?
23Apr 200923Apr 2009The book 'Are you reading me?' by Laser 3.14 will be launched at the American Book Centre from 19.00 - 21.00 hrs.
Staging Cities, Centro Cultural de España en Buenos Aires (CCEBA). Sede calle Parana. Buenos Aires. Mauricio Corbalán, Pio Torroja
Staging cities/Buenos Aires
13May 2009Staging cities experiments with new ways of staging public issues. The challenge at Buenos Aires is to set up a new assembly device to give voice to emergent characters in order to expand political...
Visual Artist8
Made in CAPE TOWN Lives in Johannesburg & around the world Photographer and visual artist LOVE ART.Music.Fashion.animation.dance.urban.travel.skating .writing&good food
Lodewijk van Deysselstraat 61
De kok, de kweker, zijn vrouw en hun buurman
18Apr 2009Het Stedelijk Museum aan het Museumplein wordt verbouwd en zal in 2010 weer openen. In 2009 reist het Stedelijk door de stad met allerlei projecten. In het voorjaar en de zomer doet het museum...
Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Constantijn Huygens ArtEZ
Re: creatie
20Apr 200923Apr 2009Studium Generale in Zwolle van maandag 20 t/m donderdag 23 april 2009
Worlds Fashion Centre
Spring Shopping Event
25Apr 2009Dit is de ultieme kans, een unieke gelegenheid, om die ene jurk of dat speciale shirt aan jouw garderobe toe te voegen!
Les Singes
De Aprilfeesten; een kleine parade in hartje Amsterdam.
Showroom MAMA
Endless City
19Jun 200910Jan 2010Deze zomer presenteert MAMA het multimediale project Endless City ; een project waarin we de relatie tussen skateboardcultuur, de publieke ruimte en (beeldende) kunst onderzoeken, met een knipoog...